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Jet Runway Café

Jet Runway Café is proud to announce The Zagat has ranked JET as one of the top restaurants in its Miami / South Florida Restaurants Guide.

“Look out for takeoffs and landings,” since you’re eating almost “right on the runway” of Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport at this “cool,” “modern” breakfast and lunch spot serving “creative” American food that’s “professionally” served and easy on the wallet; besides the air show, it’s also a great place to “people- watch” on account of the “powerful” jet-setting clientele, says the Zagat Review (July 2013).

In all areas, Food, Décor, Service and Affordability Zagat rated JET excellent to extraordinary.

About Jet Runway Café

Situated right on the Runway at the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport. Jet Runway Café is a bustling, upscale eatery, serving Jet setters and patrons with discerning taste since 2008. Jet Runway Café has been recently featured in The Miami Herald and Sun Sentinel, where it was rated one of the premier restaurants in Fort Lauderdale for breakfast, lunch and corporate catering.

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